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Mvs proto

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  • Mvs proto

    Un gars a eu des versions beta ou proto de jeux mvs déjà existant comme magician lord, cyber lip etc...
    Pour le moment , il n' a pas eu le temps de les tester en détail pour voir ce qui diffère avec les versions sorties officiellement .

    Voir le topic ici :

    So... I was going to update my previous thread with this but that seemed to get a little out of hand. Hopefully we can keep this one more on track... :) Anyway, I have spent this evening opening up a load more carts to reveal alot of 'pre-release' proto carts. I still need to do a CRC check on...

    Mais , un de ses derniers messages peut donner quelques espoirs d'en savoir + sur d'autres protos voire des unreleased .

    Message ici provenant de :

    Ok, time to update this thread a little.

    Today I have met with the guy that these Pre-release carts came from and have spent a few hours chatting together about them and his involvement with the industry.

    He has been in the Arcade industry since the early/mid seventies and has been involved in many, many things. One of the main points of discussion was about the history of these carts and how he came about them. He was such a large influencial person in the industry and he was presented with many games before they became into production.

    Anyway, these carts he confirmed to me that he was aware of many Neo Geo games that had some major changes to them months before release and that could have included level layout, sound effects changes and even changes to enemy sprite positions and volume, and therefore was adamant that these carts would have differences from the completed production versions. Unfortunatley, work has meant I have not had time to commit to the investigation, but I will and it will be compltetly documented for you all soon.

    He mentioned to me, that being a large distributor in the UK for many companies he had very close relations with them all and had a large input into how the games were actually developed. One of these being NAM-1975 and he believes he still has some original sketches of the game during its conceptual phase, I will keep you updated if they surface.

    Then the conversation eventually got onto unrelesed carts and he said that he had seen many over the years from all manufacturers/sytems and sadly believes to have destroyed more than you would care to think about. He recollected three Neo Geo games to me that he remembers playing that never got released. I am not going to say too much just yet, but I will say that we looked through the Master list together and none of the ones he mentioned to me are listed at all.

    We also discussed one f his friends in Italy that he definitely yknows had some unreleased Neo games and he is going to pass me their details so will be follwoing that lead very shortly as well.

    So, we have exchanged details and hopefully I am meeting up with him again soon and once I have more concrete evidence I will share my findings.

  • #2
    J'étais sur que tu suivais ca aussi
    Bon rien de trop concret pour l'instant et il va falloir bien bien connaitre les jeux pour voir les différences je pense ; s'il fait ca tt seul il a pas fini :(
    Rhum, Cocktails et Neo Geo


    • #3
      oui j'attendais aussi d'avoir un peu plus de concret
      La Neo Geo CD a son site, mise a jour régulière...


      • #4
        Très intéressant, vivement les autres infos!
        -| Epoxy Crew |-


        • #5
          Merci sengoku 2 pour ce relais d'infos.

          - Dev - Hacks - Homebrews - Games - Demos -


          • #6
            Protos ou versions beta ?


            • #7
              A la base, il s'agissait de versions beta de jeux comme Cyber Lip , Magician Lord etc...

              Mais suite à des discussions avec son contact , ce dernier dit avoir vu et eu des proto unreleased sur différentes plateformes dont la neo geo .
              Soit , ses souvenirs lui joue des tours ou soit , il a une bonne mémoire .
              A voir, wait and see .


              • #8
                Ah oui j'avais mal compris, je croyais qu'il parlait de vesrion Beta
                La Neo Geo CD a son site, mise a jour régulière...


                • #9
                  Ouais les souvenirs d'un exploitant aussi gros et passionné soit-il... c'est a prendre avec des pincettes
                  Genre ptet pour lui Legend of success Joe c'est un proto (car il ne l'aurait pas vu passer ensuite en exploitation...)... Enfin sur ce coup la il aurait pas tord
                  Rhum, Cocktails et Neo Geo


                  • #10
                    ben j'ai du mal à voir les protos se balader chez les exploitants (hors japon)
                    La Neo Geo CD a son site, mise a jour régulière...


                    • #11
                      vous avez vu la news de NG Freak ? ils annoncent avoir le proto de Dunk Star
                      Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.
                      Dernière modification par KuK, 12 septembre 2013, 19h53.
                      La Neo Geo CD a son site, mise a jour régulière...


                      • #12
                        Tu peux y jouer sur super famicom, ça a été rebaptisé " Super " Dunk Star .

                        Bon, après on pourra toujours comparer les meg count entre ces 2 versions et voir la possible différence graphique .


                        • #13
                          Bonne nouvelle de la soirée. Merci kuk.

                          - Dev - Hacks - Homebrews - Games - Demos -


                          • #14
                            Sengoku 2 tu deviens blasé

                            ressaisi toi
                            J'AI, DONC JE SUIS

