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  • #61
    Re: FATIR

    Provient du message de kensu
    - Mi, kis ti fou ?
    ça sent l'accent authetique


    • #62
      Re: FATIR

      Provient du message de kensu
      c clair
      gouki, ken, ruy, dan eca fait qd meme pas mal de personnages qui se ressemblent qd meme

      ta signature m'a fait penser a une blague regarde :

      Proverbe Arabe...

      Tahar rentre chez lui. Chemin faisant, un pneu de sa peugeot crève.
      Tahar se range alors sur l'accotement, sort le cric et entreprend de changer la roue.
      Soudain, Djamel, lui aussi dans sa peugeot, arrive à sa hauteur et
      freine en catastrophe. Il sort de sa voiture, se dirige vers le coffre,
      revient avec un pied de biche et fracasse le pare-brise de la voiture de Tahar...
      Tahar, consterné, s'écrie : - Mi, kis ti fou ?
      Djamel lui répond : - Toi, ti prends les roues. Moi, ji prends la radio !

      MORALITE : " Mieux vaut Tahar que Djamel "
      looooooooooooooooooooooooooool !!!

      Je transmetrai au dit Tahar


      • #63
        ouais ouais...

        tahar ta gueule à la recré


        • #64
          Tahar été le H ?


          • #65

            en tout cas tahar ley davidson est vraiment trop laide


            • #66
              ah sacré Ducky


              • #67
                tahar t'aux pommes

                >> Né en Decembre Crew <<


                • #68
                  tahar t'a la creme

                  >> Né en Decembre Crew <<


                  • #69
                    tahar t'aux fraises (lunettes)

                    bon ok j'arretes, mais j'avais encore a la rubarbe, a la myrtille, aux poires, aux cailloux, aux framboises, aux prunes, au sulfateur, tattin, abricots....

                    >> Né en Decembre Crew <<


                    • #70
                      BON CA SUFFIT HALTE AU DETOURNEMENT DE TOPIC !!!!!!!
                      <==// JUSTE J'ACHETE ET JE REVENDS ET JE RACHETE PARCE QUE C BIEN QUAND MEME ...CREW \\==>[/color]


                      • #71
                        Provient du message de fboy
                        BON CA SUFFIT HALTE AU DETOURNEMENT DE TOPIC !!!!!!!
                        tahar ti flette

                        tiens pour en finir en douceur avec le detournement y'a un gars qu'a posté ça sur, c'est les dialogue entre les persos :

                        Kyo vs Iori
                        Kyo -'re so persistent
                        Iori - Kyo, I'll chase you to the depths of the Earth till I defeat you.
                        Kyo - Alright....lets go!
                        Iori - *yells*

                        Kyo vs Hugo
                        Hugo - You want to do some wrestling?
                        Kyo - Wrestling?....not intersted
                        Hugo - If you lose, you're joining my army

                        Kyo vs Kyo
                        Kyo - Man, just how many clones of me are there
                        Kyo - What! You're the one who's the clone
                        Kyo - What! I'm the true Kusanagi Kyo
                        Kyo - Let's fight and see

                        Kyo vs Kasumi
                        Kyo - Hey, you were in the KOF....
                        Kasumi - Todoh Kasumi..prepare yourself
                        Kyo - This sudden!

                        Kyo vs Ryo
                        Kyo - So hows the dojo?
                        Ryo - Horrible
                        Kyo - ....I see

                        Kyo vs Shiki
                        Kyo - It's a waste if a pretty lady like yourself is gloomy
                        Shiki - ...I cannot...get involved with you

                        Kyo vs Mr. Karate
                        Kyo - Hey what's up Ryo's dad? What's with the mask
                        Mr K - I am Mr. Karate! Not Sakazaki Takuma!
                        Kyo - I'll leave it at that
                        Mr K - Muuu...

                        Kyo vs Kim
                        Kim - How long do you plan on being a high school student! Here, let me give you a boost in spirit.(kinda, couldnt think of a better translation)
                        Kyo - Huh? This sudden?

                        Guile vs Chunli
                        Chunli - Hey Guile, what are you doing here?
                        Guile -'s confidential
                        Chunli - You haven't changed one bit
                        Guile - You seem to have trained yourself even more, you wanna battle?
                        Chunli - Sure

                        Kasumi vs Kasumi
                        Kasumi - Copying the art of Todohryuu
                        Kasumi - You're the one who's copying!
                        Kasumi - Prepare youself...are you ready

                        Kasumi vs Mai
                        Kasumi - Sigh Mai. You're proportion is so good
                        Mai - hohoho, the secret is love
                        Kasumi - Love huh.....a very strong/violent(hageshii) love
                        Mai - What! Andy isn't bald!(hage)
                        Kasumi - huh?huh?
                        Mai - Prepare yourself!
                        hageshii means strong, violent, severe, fierce, furious
                        hage means bald

                        Shiki vs Shiki
                        Shiki - ....
                        Shiki - ....

                        Shiki vs Ryo
                        Shiki - You do not have the right to associate with me
                        Ryo - ? What are you talking about?
                        Shiki - ....die
                        Ryo - Rude woman, I'll crush you!

                        Kibagami vs Ryo
                        Kibagami - Hmph...a martial artist. worthless people
                        Ryo - Ahhhn? You wanna try with your own body?
                        Kibagami - Try it...

                        Kibagami vs Kim
                        Kim - Stop swinging that thing around!
                        Kibagami - Ahhhn? What are you?
                        Kim - Let me show you that you can get stronger without using weapons!
                        Kibagami - Seems like you want to die

                        Kibagami vs Terry
                        Terry - hey hey, that's some strong murderous intent
                        Kibagami - You want to test it
                        Terry - OK! Common Samurai

                        Sagat vs Choi
                        Sagat - Get out of my sight, worthless trash
                        Choi - Just try to see if I'm a worthless trash

                        Iori vs Kim
                        Kim - I've always been thinking but you need to be corrected in life
                        Iori - ...Hmph
                        Kim - Return to the true path! Here I go!
                        Iori - In exchange for you life

                        Iori vs Terry
                        Terry - Hey Yagami! I see your still a gloomy/dark individual
                        Iori - Begon
                        Terry - Common, it's been quite a while since we met. You wanna have a match?
                        Iori - Do you want to die that much?

                        Iori vs Kasumi
                        Iori - ...not even worth talking about
                        Kasumi - How dare you make fun of Todoryuu! I'll make you regret those words!

                        Ryo vs Iori
                        Ryo - (he's yelling, I cant think of a translation)
                        Iori - What?
                        Ryo - Hey Yagami! How bout I give a lesson!
                        Iori - Do you want to die that much?

                        Iori vs Shiki
                        Shiki - Is your soul longing for someone?
                        Iori - ....
                        Shiki - Yes....poor soul...
                        Iori - Then I'll use your soul to purify it

                        Iori vs Earthquake
                        Iori - Move pig
                        Earthquake - GFFFFFF
                        Iori - Seems like you want to die

                        Iori vs Ken
                        Ken - What do you want?
                        Iori - Hmph....I have no interest with small fishes
                        Ken - You're a rare young guy with some backbone. Alright, let me educate you
                        in Japan, calling someone a Zako(small fish) is pretty much saying they're weak. kinda like small frye is that what is said in the US?????not sure

                        Iori vs Tabatha
                        Iori - ...what are you looking at?
                        Tabatha - The power of your mixed blood, its very interesting
                        Iori - Begon
                        Tabatha - fufu...Let me test your powers
                        Iori - I guess you don't understand anything I say

                        Iori vs Iori
                        Iori - want do die?
                        Iori - It's you who's going to die!

                        Shiki vs Ken
                        Ken - (Not as pretty as Eliza but still a pretty good looking woman)
                        Shiki - ....Yes?
                        Ken - Don't really have any business but you wanna have a match?
                        Shiki - not my fault if you die

                        Terry vs Kim
                        Kim - Let's have a match here, are you ok with that
                        Terry - OK! Let's have fun!

                        Mai vs Kim
                        Mai - Kim, do you know where Andy is?
                        Kim - No
                        Mai - Ok bye!
                        Kim - Wait! It seems I need to teach you some womanly manners
                        Mai - What!

                        Mai vs Dhalsim
                        Dhalsim - First you need to take the un-needed meat of you. Then you can move faster
                        Mai - ...that's not your business. And I dont have any un-needed fat on me
                        Dhalsim - Why do you lie?Training starts from being honest. Such as you true weight is......
                        Mai - NOOOOOO! Stop!!!!! I'm going to shut you up by force!

                        Terry vs Ryu
                        Terry - Let's finish this
                        Ryu - Yes, let's

                        Mr Karate vs Balrog
                        Mr K - Wearing a mask, you must not have any confidence in yourself!
                        Balrog - ......
                        Mr K - I'll break those claws and rip that mask off your face!

                        Mr Karate vs Ryo
                        Ryo - It seems the time for the generation change has come
                        Mr Karate - Not quite yet
                        Ryo - We'll see
                        Mr K - I'll make you understand!

                        Shiki vs Tabatha
                        Shiki - Yes.....Yuda sama.................NO!!!!
                        Tabatha - Yuda?! Do you mean the god of destruction, Yuda?
                        What is wrong?
                        Shiki - .....prepare yourself
                        Tabatha - those eye' seems I have no choice

                        Terry vs Tabatha
                        Terry - Hey, can you tell me why you cloths are floating?
                        Tabatha - Let me tell you. This is what they magic and .......are you listening?
                        Terry - ...sorry.....I dont understand
                        Tabatha - Then let me explain so you'll understand....prepare yourself
                        Terry - OK! That I understand!

                        Tabatha vs Kyo
                        Tabatha - Long ago, a family sealed an evil force....your the descendant, arent you?
                        Kyo - I dunno.....I forgot about the past
                        Tabatha - Let me test those powers
                        Kyo - Not my fault if you get burnt

                        Kyo - Dan
                        Kyo - Seems like a pretty loudmouthed guy(I can't think of a good translation for this)
                        Dan - What, I'm not Robert I'm telling you!
                        Kyo - Huh??
                        Dan - I am Hibiki Dan of Saikyo ryuu! Ora!!!

                        Terry vs Dan
                        Terry - Hey! Robert!
                        Dan - What? Who do you think youre talking to?
                        Terry - What? Who are you?
                        Dan - Every single one of you! I am Hibiki Dan of Saikyo ryuu!

                        Kasumi vs Dan
                        Kasumi - It's Robert! Kyokugenryuu, prepare yourself!
                        Dan - I said I am"Hibiki Dan" dammit!
                        Kasumi - Prepare yourself!

                        Choi vs Dan
                        Choi - Huh? You're the guy from the Kyokugenryuuu.....
                        Dan - No I'm not!
                        Choi - Huh? Who are you?
                        Dan - Every single one of you!

                        Ryo vs Dan
                        Ryo - Waste of time!
                        Dan - A battle you dam copy cat
                        Ryo - Waste of time!
                        Dan - Daaaaaaa!

                        Goenitz vs Kyo
                        Kyo -'re still alive! I have nothing to do with Orochi anymore!
                        Goentiz - Kusanagi, one who cannot escape from destiny

                        Goenitz vs Iori
                        Goenitz - It's been a long time
                        Iori - ...what do you want
                        Goenitz - The power of Orochi, it's time you gave it back

                        Goenitz vs Terry
                        Goenitz - Terry Bogard, let me tst your strength
                        Terry - OK! Common!

                        Geese vs Mr Karate
                        Geese - What is that stupid mask? Sakazaki
                        Mr K - I am Mr Karate! Not Takuma Sakazaki!
                        Geese - Hmph looks like I'll just beat it out of you

                        Demitri vs Terry
                        Terry - hey hey, a vampire? Pretty hard joke here
                        Demitri - huhuhuhu, just give up your blood to me....

                        Iori vs Bosou Iori
                        Iori - ?! This is me?
                        B Iori - ooooooo!*yelling*
                        Iori - I will not give into Orochi! Dam illusion, I'll blow you away!

                        Ryo vs Bosou Iori
                        B Iori - ooooooo!*yelling*
                        Ryo - ...crazy
                        B Iori - ooooooo!*yelling*

                        Kasumi vs Bosou Iori
                        Kasumi - where is my father!
                        B Iori - ooooo!*yelling*
                        Kasumi - oooooo doesn't tell me anything! I'll crush you
                        B Iori - ooooo!*yelling*

                        Iori vs Orochi Ken
                        O Ken - I will kill anyone
                        Iori - Who are you!
                        O Ken - uugh.....ooooooo!

                        Terry vs Orochi Ken
                        Terry - no life in his eye's......hypnosis?
                        O Ken - ugh....only thing I have is to kill! Just that!
                        Terry - Then I'll open your eye's!
                        O Ken - uuuuoooooo!

                        Ken vs Orochi Ken
                        Ken - What? Is
                        O Ken - ughhhh....another me.......
                        Ken - T This isn't me (but I am wanting this somewhere in my heart.....?) common!

                        Iori vs Shin Gouki
                        Iori - This guy!
                        S Gouki - I am one who has mastered the fist. Taste the strength!

                        Kasumi vs Shin Gouki
                        Kasumi - An Oni! An Oni with his metal stick! Hey wait, he doesn't have a stick
                        Gouki - METSU!

                        Shiki vs Shin gouki
                        Shiki - ......
                        Gouki - ......
                        Shiki - ......
                        Gouki - ......leave!

                        Iori vs Shin Karate
                        Iori - What do you want?
                        Shin K - Witness the might of the fist that mastered Kyokugen

                        Ryo vs Shin Karate
                        Ryo - I'm puting everying I have!
                        Shin K - Come at me with everying!

                        c'est pas du rentournement ça ?
                        Dernière modification par geese, 13 juin 2003, 18h39.

                        >> Né en Decembre Crew <<


                        • #72
                          et pis ça sur madman, y'a 4 location test maintenant, plus de jolies photos en perspectives

                          ""SNKNeoGeo has announced that they will continue to beta test their upcoming release, SNK vs Capcom at 4 locations in Japan simultaneously.

                          Beta testing of SNK vs Capcom is scheduled to run at two locations in Tokyo (Ikebukuro Gigo, Shibuya Taito Station), one location in Osaka (Chateau EX), and also one location in the Fukuoka prefecture. The beta test will take place three days, between the 20th - 22nd. Its national release is scheduled for July 17th.""

                          >> Né en Decembre Crew <<


                          • #73
                            Tahar t'aux poils.....


                            • #74
                              Mister Geesou , bien trouver tes infos ( les dialogues entres les persos , j'adore )

                              Tahar t'aux poils.....
                              là c'est mdrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


                              • #75

                                Tahar t'en pion

