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Ninja Commando

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  • #61
    "auto-fire significantly increase your dick by 6 inch"
    piou piou piou ! booom ! crash !! piou piou !


    • #62
      Argument accepted
      RIP Player Two... ou pas !


      • #63
        Envoyé par shupmaster Voir le message
        I understand what you mean, but we must recognize that the autofire radically changes the way to play in some games:
        * King of the Monsters 2: The one-up in the bonus level, so hard to have normally, becomes automatic
        * Fatal Fury: The arm-wrestling bonus is no longer a challenge (ok It's not a hard challenge anyway)
        * 3 Count Bout: catches that represent a large part of gameplay are routinely won
        * ninja commando special move ryu is devastating. With that whatever difficulty you chose ...

        I do not criticize your players qualities, you're clearly mastering your game (in KOTM2 the way to keep bosses away, in Ninja Commando you have no difficulty in making the Ryu special move, etc..), It's simply that it makes the feat less ... impressive.

        Scoring in the Ninja Commando's Prehistoric level becomes widely harder without autofire (maybe impossible??). In any case I did not know this trick, I thank you for That
        King of the Monsters 2 is played without autofire. Infact you can understand if replay used autofire or not because is written this: 連付き (autofire there is). If autofire is not used, in comment there aren't notes, but sometimes player write this: 連なし (without autofire).

        Fatal Fury 1 arm-wrestling bonus is very easy because there is a technique to win always. I win always also without autofire, and in marp (where the rules are: autofire is not allowed never) I have a mame replay with all 3 bonus game win without obviously autofire ( I have used autofire in these replay on you tube because in a single day without autofire I can try 2 or max 3 times, but then I'm tired. With autofire I can try 10 times or more. But the score is always the same because autofire not helped me to increase the score, because I win bonus game likewise.

        Ninja commando: in this game autofire increase score, this is correct. However I have good replay also without autofire:

        final score 4,342,960. This replay is very old, now I can perform sure at least 6,000,000 without autofire, but scure not 8.

        edit : please tell me that the of Ryu is not something programmed and automatic ???
        Is not programmed (you speak about macro I think). I perform these command normally with stick+button. Super move of Ryu is easy for me, but I have problems with super move of Joe Tiger.
        Dernière modification par Gemant ZBL-Fukuda, 03 septembre 2012, 12h32.


        • #64
          Autofire in some games increase score. In other games is only a help for you hand.

          In View Point autofire increase scores, because become easy obtained the nazo bug.

          In Metal Slug 1 with autofire your score increase of 70.000 points about.

          But in other games as Spin Master or Metal Slug 2 the score is always the same.


          • #65
            thanks for the link of your older replay, I think it'll be very instructive

            Since you do not play with autofire in KOTM2, what's the secret to win the one-up in the bonus stage? I always thought it was a timing to respect. can you tell me more about that? More, close combat with the boss also work with this system timing? It seems random at first, but maybe there a trick ...

            Fatal Fury I know there are some timing to have to earn the bonus for sure, but maybe you have another way?

            In addition, I want to ask you (you never know, you may cross it) :
            in 3 Count Bout it is normally impossible (in the tag-team mode) to have two human players on the same ring . But it happened to me once ... I always thought it was a bug, but after all ...

            thank you for your explanation anyway, it's nice to discuss old SNK games and work English at the same time
            RIP Player Two... ou pas !


            • #66
              Envoyé par shupmaster Voir le message
              Since you do not play with autofire in KOTM2, what's the secret to win the one-up in the bonus stage? I always thought it was a timing to respect. can you tell me more about that? More, close combat with the boss also work with this system timing? It seems random at first, but maybe there a trick ...

              Fatal Fury I know there are some timing to have to earn the bonus for sure, but maybe you have another way?

              In addition, I want to ask you (you never know, you may cross it) :
              in 3 Count Bout it is normally impossible (in the tag-team mode) to have two human players on the same ring . But it happened to me once ... I always thought it was a bug, but after all ...

              thank you for your explanation anyway, it's nice to discuss old SNK games and work English at the same time

              Bonus game (the first). You must press repeatedly A button. No more of this.

              About the throw system, I think is totally random. A theory is:

              Approach enemy with A button = paper
              Approach enemy with B button = scissors
              Approach enemy with C button = rock

              enemy have the same attacks.

              paper win with rock, scissors win with paper and rock win with scissors. In case of the same attack the throw finished in break even.

              Fatal Fury bonus game. Is matter of timing. I start slow, and after 1,5 seconds I start with my max speed pressing A button with the 2 forefingers alternate. I win always all 3 bonus. Sometime I win third bonus in 3 seconds only.

              About 3count bout I not have idea, sorry.


              • #67
                Envoyé par Gemant ZBL-Fukuda Voir le message

                Bonus game (the first). You must press repeatedly A button. No more of this.
                I thought most bonus of the desert, when the tornado ejected you into the air. To win the one-up bonus

                For the throw system, I hope for years some tips to make the gameplay more pleasant. It's not for today

                Funny, we have the same way to win bonus

                thanks for your answers

                Bon par contre, va falloir que je m'y remette moi, on peut sensiblement augmenter son score avec ce stage préhistorique
                RIP Player Two... ou pas !


                • #68
                  Envoyé par shupmaster Voir le message
                  I thought most bonus of the desert, when the tornado ejected you into the air. To win the one-up bonus
                  Ah! but you speak about the 1up bonus item in stage 4 and 7!

                  In this case you must press A button one time, with perfect timing, a instant before that your character touch the ground.


                  • #69
                    où est encore passé la video de shupy ?


                    • #70
                      dans le topic qui va bien :

                      RIP Player Two... ou pas !


                      • #71
                        ya merci j'vais en prendre de la graine

                        edit : wouwou ça dégomme aux napalms ! allez faut que j'essaie de le sortir... hrumm... c'est pas gagné. c'est marrant que " trucmuch + soit beaucoup plus efficace qu'une bombe .

                        edit2 : aîe c'est dur mais ça commence à sortir...

                        il y a un truc que je ne saisie pas.

                        le ninja est le seul à posséder un "super-coup" ?

                        j'ai testé sur chaque perso, ce coup marche :
                        (ou / ) 2sconde et relâcher en appuyant le
                        ça fais une bonne décharge faciale.

                        le "super-coup du ninja" c'est la même que ce coup , sauf qu'il y a un jet diagonal en plus.

                        Joe et la fille devrait pouvoir sortir ce "super-coup" ?
                        comment le sort-on ?


                        • #72
                          le est commun à tous les persos.

                          le ninja a qui lui est propre.

                          la meuf n'a pas de super coup de ce style, faut juste bourriner le bouton.

                          Joe tiger quant à lui, c'est
                          RIP Player Two... ou pas !


                          • #73
                            ok shupy

                            hue, je sais que tu aimes la chipote, alors, le coup
                            tu n'as pas besoin de faire le pour que ça fonctionne.
                            t'as juste à retourner en neutre (une fois ton perso chargé) et d'appuyer au même moment.

                            j'avais déjà réussi, par erreur, le super coup de Joe. ça manque d'allonge...

                            t'as trouver où ces coups ? dans la notice ?

                            en tout cas il va me falloir un paquet de partie avant de chopper le truc avec le ninja. ça à l'air fun de pouvoir tout éclater en déclenchant la super attaque quand t'en a envie. j'ai maté ta vidéo jusqu'au samouraîe-aîe-aîe tu lui mets trop chéro puis après j'ai pas envies de voir car j'aimerai bien le découvrir en en chiant un peu...

                            merci de t'es conseilles et du skill de ta video à plush-start


                            • #74
                              Envoyé par Redemslug Voir le message
                              hue, je sais que tu aimes la chipote, alors, le coup
                              tu n'as pas besoin de faire le pour que ça fonctionne.
                              t'as juste à retourner en neutre (une fois ton perso chargé) et d'appuyer au même moment.
                              oui, c'était de mémoire dans le manuel. C'est dans les faqs que l'on peut trouver sur le net aussi. Après y-a aussi l'habitude qui prend le pas

                              Tu le fais avec quel genre de manettes ?
                              RIP Player Two... ou pas !


                              • #75
                                avec le pad abricot, petit coquin

                                yes, it's plus facile avec le pad programmable... mais faut-il encore savoir programmer...

                                tu joues à la manette dans la vid' ?

