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How to play Warriors of Fate

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  • How to play Warriors of Fate

    j'ai acquis ce jeu récemment et j'avoue, il fait mal ^^
    Seul petit problème c'est que je ne saisi pas encore ttes les possibilitées qui me sont offertes afin d'enchainer les ennemis.

    Est ce que qq un aurait un site à me conseiller ?
    J'ai fait une recherche google mais ça n'a rien donné :(

    Le CPS1 c'est bon, mangez en

  • #2
    Extrait de la FAQ disponible sur gamefaqs :

    [ Joystick and Buttons ] -----------------------------------------------

    Joystick : move character (f-forward, b-backward, u-up, d-down)
    A : attack
    B : jump

    [ Other Notations ] ----------------------------------------------------

    hcf : roll joystick from b to f (b,bd,d,df,f)
    knockback: enemy knocked away from character.
    knockdown: enemy is knocked away and falls to the ground.
    fatality : upon successful kill, causes enemy to be decapitated/cut in
    half/upper or whole body blown up.

    Basic Commands

    This is a list of basic commands that every character can use:

    Basic Combo Press A (x3)
    -Throw Ender Hold u or d anytime before the last A of combo
    Item Pick Up Press A when over an item
    Charge Knockdown Press d+B or df+B
    Killer Attack Press d,u+A
    Desperation Attack Press A+B simultaneously

    Grab Enemy Press f near enemy
    -Throw After successful grab, press f+A or b+A
    -Choke/Stab After successful grab, press A (x3)

    -A basic combo consists of 3 successful chained hits. The last hit is
    always a knockdown hit unless they use a throw ender.
    -Using the throw ender, that last hit of a basic combo will be a throw
    instead of a knockdown hit. Holding u will throw the enemy behind you
    while holding d will throw the enemy forward. (credit to Marco Nadal)
    -Any attack in a combo other than the 3rd knockdown hit can be canceled
    into a killer, desperation, or special attack.
    -Charge knockdown has your character dashing forwards and knocking back
    all enemies in your path. Great for clearing out groups. It only hits
    each enemy once, with the exception of Portor.
    -Killer attack is a multihitting attack that varies according to
    character. A successful kill using this attack will result in enemy
    -Desperation attacks hits all nearby enemies once. Uses up player
    health ONLY if the attack contacts an enemy. Causes fatality.
    -Throwing an enemy can knockdown other enemies.
    -Choke/stab can be done up to 3 times, in which the last strike will
    cause a knockdown.
    -Any choke/stab other than the 3rd knockdown hit can be canceled into a
    throw or killer, desperation, or special attack.

    -In general, the longest and most damaging combo a player can do is:
    A, A, (grab), choke/stab, choke/stab, Killer Attack

    Horseback Commands

    At various times during the game, players can find and ride on horses.
    Riding on a horse gives players longer attack range and horse specific
    special commands. To get on a horse, just walk up to it. A horse will
    randomly run away when a player is knock off it or when it is standing
    idle for awhile without a rider. Also, B no longer functions as a jump.

    Basic Combo Press A (x3)
    Item Pick-Up Walk over item
    Change Direction Hold b
    Beserker Attack Press A rapidly
    Throw ???+A
    Desperation Attack Press A+B simultaneously
    Back Attack Press b+A or db+A
    Energy Attack hcf+A
    Heavy Attack Press B
    Charge Press f+B or df+B
    Quick Reverse Attack Press b+B or db+B
    Charging Killer Press f+B,B quickly
    Dismount Press d+B

    -A basic combo consists of 3 successful chained hits. The last hit is
    always a knockdown hit.
    -Beserker attack is a multihitting attack and lasts as long as you can
    rapidly bash on the attack button.
    -Desperation attack hits all nearby enemies once. Uses up player
    health ONLY if the attack contacts an enemy. Causes fatality.
    -Back attack is a knockback.
    -Energy attack is a heavy attack that has a blue fire-like effect.
    Causes a fatality upon successful kill. Kadan's is special and is
    described in the character section.
    -Heavy attack is a knockback.
    -Charge has your horse charging forward. A hit causes a knockback, but
    unlike a normal character charge, this one does multiple hits.
    -Quick reverse causes your horse to reverse direction then attacks with
    a knockback hit.
    -Charging killer is a charge while your character does his desperation
    attack. However, this move does NOT take away any of your character's
    health and causes a fatality upon a successful kill. Multihits.
    ?A player can throw enemies while on a horse but I have not found the
    precise command or requirements to do this consistently.

    Character & Character Specific Commands

    Characters are ordered according to their order during the character
    select screen. Their "English" names are listed first, followed by the
    Japanese names in parenthesis. Listed is a description of their Killer
    attack and then a listing of their character specific moves.

    [ Portor (Kan-U) ] -----------------------------------------------------

    -The barehanded big guy in blue and white clothes.
    *Killer Attack*: Flying Elbow
    Backbreaker After successful grab, press B or f+B or b+B,
    then A in midair

    -Note: Portor's charge attack can hit an enemy multiple times.

    -Portor's killer attack has him leap forward and then land with a
    flying elbow. Hits on the way up and down.
    -Doing a backbreaker move but not pressing the A button ender will
    cause Portor to release his enemy during midfall.
    -Backbreaker, like a normal throw, can be used to hit adjacent enemies.

    [ Kassar (Chou-Hi) ] ---------------------------------------------------

    -The dark skinned guy in a yellow shirt
    *Killer Attack*: Power Punch
    Bite After successful grab, press d+A
    Piledriver After successful grab, press B, then A in midair
    Aerial Suplex After successful grab, press f+B or b+B, then A
    in air

    -Note: Kassar's choke/stab is unique in that he raises his enemy above
    his head. Because of this, after a choke/stab you cannot combo into
    a killer attack.
    -Note: A minor note, Kassar gets 2 different normal throw animations
    instead of just one. His f+A throw is a normal throw animation while
    his b+A throw is a suplex. (credit to Marco Nadal)
    -Note: A minor note, after Kassar does a choke move and then you throw
    the enemy, it uses the b+A throw animation (suplex) instead of the
    normal f+A throw. (credit to Marco Nadal)

    -Kassar's killer attack is a powerful lunging forward punch. Has
    slight start up lag.
    -Bite attack will have Kassar bite his enemy automatically. The number
    of bites he can do is dependent on the enemy.
    -Doing a piledriver or suplex but not pressing the A button ender will
    cause Kassar to release his enemy during midfall.
    -Piledriver and suplex, like a normal throw, can be used to hit
    adjacent enemies.

    [ Subutai (Chou-Un) ] --------------------------------------------------

    -The guy in blue armor and a sword
    *Killer Attack*: Sword Uppercut
    Downward Thrust Press B, then A
    Flying Kick Press f+B or b+B, then A
    Sliding Upper Press d,uf+A or db,uf+A

    -Subutai's killer attack is a shoryuken with a sword ^_^ Has NO
    startup time. Goes straight up.
    -Sliding Upper is a Sword Uppercut with an added forward dash in the
    beginning. Causes fatality.

    [ Kadan (Kou-Chuu) ] ---------------------------------------------------

    -The old man with a bow
    *Killer Attack*: Bow Uppercut
    Midair Arrow Press B, then A
    Falling Dagger Press f+B or b+B, then A
    Arrow Rage Press A repeatedly
    Flip Toss After successful grab, press B, then A quickly

    -Note: Kadan uses arrows as his main weapon. Regular shots are angled
    downward slightly and thus do not travel full screen.
    -Note: While on horseback, doing an Energy attack will shoot a flaming
    arrow that hits multiple enemies.

    -Kadan's killer attack is a uppercut with a bow. The bow hits forward
    while going up, and hits backwards while going down. Note that Kadan
    will face in the reverse direction you started the attack.
    -Arrow rage will shoot 3 arrows in quick succession. The first arrow
    goes full screen and the other two at lower angles. Causes fatality.
    -Doing a flip toss but not pressing the A button ender will cause Kadan
    to flip behind his enemy and release the grab.
    -Flip toss, like a normal throw, can be used to throw the enemy to hit
    adjacent enemies.

    [ Abaka (Gi-En) ] ------------------------------------------------------

    -The bald guy in green armor
    *Killer Attack*: Somersault Kick
    Headcrusher After successful grab, press B or f+B or b+B,
    then A in midair

    -Abaka's killer attack is a Flash kick ^_^
    -Doing a headcrusher but not pressing the A button ender will cause
    Abaka to release his enemy during midfall.
    -Headcrusher, like a normal throw, can be used to hit adjacent enemies.


    • #3
      Terrible ce jeu ^^
      -=[December Cr3w]=-
      - Tour'09 -


      • #4
        Merci Shu


        • #5
          Sans doute mon beat cps1 préféré, bien long, bien coloré, Portor en force!

          Vite fait: de base c'est comme du final fight + pas mal de prises: lorsque tu choppe l'adversaire, tu peux jumper puis l'ecraser comme haggar avaec la plupart des persos, sinon tu peux faire une direction + le bouton de frappe lorsque tu attrappe l'adversaire (ex le grand avec sa chemise jaune et ses cicatrices peux morder ses adversaires lorsque tu fait + A lorsque tu les attrappe)

          sinon comme dans final fight, tu peux projeter l'adversaire même sans l'avoir chopé: losque tu tape continuement, si tu appuies sur ou tu vas projeter l'adversaire à droite ou à gauche, pratique pour faire le ménage autour de soi....

          sinon tu as des attaques supplémentaires comme dans cadillacs & dinosaures: + A (sans charger le ) ou A pour dasher.....
          Dernière modification par Maximus, 25 décembre 2006, 11h39.


          • #6


            • #7
              Apparament il y a moyen de combiner plusieurs chopes, ça je ne connaissais pas!

              Je ne savais pas que Kassar pouvait faire un rolling piledriver.... Quelqu'un sait il comment on fait?

              edit: apparament ça n'est possible que dans la verison playstation (qui parait-il est assez pourrie...)
              Dernière modification par Maximus, 29 septembre 2007, 19h18.


              • #8
                Envoyé par Maximus Voir le message

                Je ne savais pas que Kassar pouvait faire un rolling
                Ce coup est fortement inspiré de celui de Zangief.
                Je l'avais testé chez un pote y'a un moment déjà, il est vrai que j'avais pas accroché... (parce que je me prenais à chaque fois une tolé)


                • #9
                  Une petite video de la version playstation, et des enchainements completement craqués qu'elle permet.

                  Je n'avais entendu que du mal de cette version à l'époque car elle souffre dit on de beaucoup de ralentissements. Par contre la possiblité de disposer de coups speciaux supplémentaires est bien sympa.


                  • #10
                    N'ayant pas trouvé de stickers original pour ce jeu (et je doute qu'il en existe un ) j'en ai crée un à partir des flyers ainsi que de petits gifs:

                    ici un petit exemple:

                    Si certains sont intéressés par le fichier original non compressé en .psd avec tous les calques permettant de déplacer chaque élements, faites m'en directement la demande. (29Mo)


                    • #11
                      ...putain je parle tout seul sur ce thread....(malade)

                      Au cas où, je recherche la manip exacte à faire pour choper les enemis lorsqu'on est à cheval? (possibilité d'envoyer l'adversaire devant soi ou derrière soi) j'y arrive, mais de manière aléatoire... (manip non indiquée sur gamefaqs) Apparament, lui connait la manip. mais si certains la connaissent ça m'intéresse.


                      • #12
                        Envoyé par Maximus Voir le message
                        ...putain je parle tout seul sur ce thread....(malade)


                        • #13
                          non mais en fait t'es le seul à y jouer à ce jeu


                          • #14
                            C'est de la bombe ce jeu.
                            Comme dit Mpopo "Le CPS1 c'est bon, mangez en".
                            Tiens nous au courant Max, je cherche la manip de ce coup également.


                            • #15
                              j ai trouve ce jeu en cps1 mais aucun son ne sors de la carte, je l ai tester sur un cps changer, la carte a aussi une sortie audio mais rien y fait. vous pensez que c est mort ?
                              6h15 du matin

                              Votour apres 135 defaites, le regard perdu dans le ciel

                              " le jour se leve"

