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Flamming paypal !!

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  • #46
    C'était juste de l'humour.
    Un pd2pauvre se plaint de perdre de l'argent
    Pas un enculé2riche

    La poste française c'est pas mieux. Pourquoi tous les Thaïlandais ne veulent que de l'EMS maintenant?
    Merci Roissy
    Apporte son soutien à Adol et à Fatir


    • #47
      Je pense que les ebayeurs qui ne veulent plus envoyer en Italie (et au Nigéria, paf dans le même sac) sont 10 fois plus nombreux que ceux qui ne veulent pas envoyer en France..regarde un peu les vendeurs HK (un peu plus nombreux que les thailandais),c'est flagrant.
      La personne la plus detestable, la plus ignominieuse des forums francais.


      • #48
        Ma copine qui revend souvent des frusques sur ebay reçoit TRES souvent des demandes pour envois en lettre.

        Bizarrement, dès qu'elle indique aux intéressées que l'envoi en lettre sera corrélé au paiement par chèque, les prétendues acheteuses disparaissent


        • #49
          Voici le dernier mail que j ai envoye a paypal, encore uen fois a tous les cadres. Et bien juste apres on m a appele pour me dire qu'ils me remboursaient... Enfin donc j ai fini par recup mes sous.

          Hello to all of you.

          After this mail I was contacted by someone called Joachim Campos from Paypal, and then by someone called Hawa who didn't even gave her last name and sent nothing more than a template pasted in a mail. This is outrageous.

          I am afraid to say that their incompetency is the exact reflect of the service your company provides to its customers.

          The only solution Mr Campos gave me was to fax him a written confirmation from the Post Office that the goods were sent, with the address of the recipient.

          It wasn't easy to get it as this is not their process at all, but they were nice enough to do it for me.

          This has been sent to paypal, and 2 weeks later I once again get an answer saying that the recipient will get his money back and that paypal is stealing mine.

          This is just not understandable. I gave everything to prove that this was effectively sent, even the post office broke its process to give me an official letter.

          And in the end my money is stolen to be given to someone who does not have to prove anything? Sorry to be rude, but what the f**** is going on?

          I gave everything I had to give to prove that I did everything the right way. The buyer did not want a registered package as it was too expensive, he received the goods for sure as more than a month later it hasn't come back to me. So there is no reason what so ever that he'll have my money in top of that.

          As I already said in the previous mail this is not for the amount of money but for the principle.

          As I am a man of my word, I spread what was happening to me in some places on the net.

          Some are in English, some in French, but you should look for them in order to understand what kind of anger is starting to grow in many of your customers. (And I am not speaking of the antipaypal websites, but of normal websites and web boards). I will soon spread the word in Spanish as well in both Spain and South America as I have many contacts there. And will go on doing it in French and English as long as I do not have what is mine.

          I already have been contacted by others angry customers and a member of a French broadcast TV channel willing to investigate the kind of problem paypal and ebay are rising.

          I also examined several things done by your company and discovered other things, extremely serious.

          And do not hide behind your User Agreements, you know as well as I do that it can exist as long as it is legal, and a lot of yours aren't.

          - Taking money back from an account without any warning or authorisation is called robbery.

          - Helping lying recipients to steal money from someone is a crime, at least in France. It is called “complicite”. ( French Police service specialized in informatic criminality has been copied to this mail)

          - Forcing people to have a paypal account and use it on ebay is as well illegal in France as it is a Forced sell. (The French organism DGCCRF is in copy for this matter)

          - Making the seller pay the fees and protecting the buyers is stupid. The sellers are your client, not the buyers.

          - You already had lost a Class Action a few years ago in the US, another one may come quickly, and on the EU side as well.

          - Combining paypal to Ebay as you did creates a monopoly situation, illegal according to the Title II of book IV from the commercial code, article 81 & 82 of the EU treaty.

          - Your company is knowingly helping to sell a lot of counterfeit products, mainly from Hong Kong and China. And I highly doubt these original product companies are happy to see that.

          - You think you have the right to give “judgements” and decide whether someone is a liar or a thief or not. When proofs only have to be given by the seller and not by the buyer! What kind of system is this?

          Last but not least, the “contest” button does not work when we “lose”. I tried in both to do it, I can never go to the end of the procedure and so the contestation regarding the decision never goes on.

          I'm starting to wonder if more than a bug this is not something done on purpose...

          I Hereby ask you to refund my money on my account, which will then be closed. I am not going to let it go until I have back what is rightfully mine.

          Thanks in advance for your swift action or else I will have to take my actions to a higher level and start gathering everyone having problem with your company in order to have them all at once in court.

          I will also have to go on spreading what is your company like to everyone I know or don't know, as a civic duty, to avoid them to be scammed by your company.

          Here is an extract from an user (even one who worked for you) that replied to my threads, got tons of others, especially the ones located in France:

          “Can I just say I used to be a powerseller on eBay - and an employee for a number of years as well - and I have been scammed out of about 300e myself..

          sadly there are nasty people out there, all you can do is try and contact your buyers before sending off your stuff.. if they seem dodge, tell them to take a hike.. (mind you that'll prolly land you a negative feedback!)

          oh btw..

          I don't sell on eBay any more...”
          Cet homme possède une vie capable de tenir 3 saisons de la pire des novelas brésiliennes


          • #50
            Eh ben il en a fallu du temps, content pour toi que tu aies récupéré tes $ou$ou$. Comme quoi en insistant ça fini par payer
            -| Epoxy Crew |-

