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  • Envoyé par grigri Voir le message
    The legendary fourth whistle in SMB3. This is how you get it:

    1. Go to level 5-1 with a leaf or preferably a P-wing (I can't seem to fly up far with only a leaf).

    2. When you get out of the green pipe at the end, fly up left and get up on the ledge, but don't move left just yet.

    3. Start walking left slowly until you hear a sound like the one that plays when you finish a level, then stop (if you go further, you will hear another sound and you wont be able to get the whistle).

    4. Go down right and hit the flashing object when it's a whistle and wait for it to disappear down.

    5. Jump into the top left corner of the roulette, and you should have it!

    (Works in the Japanese version only)

    hallucinant hein. ce que le mec oublie de signaler, c'est que la flute apparait très rarement dans le coffre, le plus souvent c'est une étoile qui sort
    avec un pote on a même eu droit à des objets buggés du style un espèce de coffre transparent qui n'apparait même pas dans la ligne d'objet
    l'autre fois aussi j'ai eu une fleur blanche, trop bizarre, mais elle avait les mêmes effets au final...
    bref c'est de loin la meilleure version de smb3 cette version jap, la plus glitchée


    • Envoyé par moussa Voir le message
      Tu vas pouvoir baiser comme il se doit

      J espere ! !
      Cet homme possède une vie capable de tenir 3 saisons de la pire des novelas brésiliennes


      • -Neox qui se déplace prendre l'apéro chez moi ce soir, avant de diner avec les autres.
        J'vais essayer de pas trop vous l'épuiser


        • Jamais rassasier alors ce Neox! Humm c'est bon a savoir.


          • Tu habites quel coin moussa?

            PS: Je pense être capable de retrouver l'appart d'Arngrim pour une after
            >> Chan Crew <<
            -| Epoxy Crew |-

            Pd2Pauvre - L'Hymne Officiel


            • 11ème a 5 minutes de Bastille


              • Envoyé par Neox Voir le message
                Tu habites quel coin moussa?

                PS: Je pense être capable de retrouver l'appart d'Arngrim pour une after

                Fais un crochet par chez moi avant
                Envoyé par Arngrim
                Celui qui a pris sérieusement le fait qu'il va violer Adol et sa famille a plus besoin de l'aide d'un médecin spécialiste
                Envoyé par Jorgio
                Je m'auto-QUOTE Vu qu'on sait que Fatir, Sets, Zbi, Hpman et autres Kizunos en savent plus qu'ils ne veulent le dire. (Est ce que ça veut dire que tous les vendeurs connus de "Voltaire" style Patrick, Régis et consort sont au jus ?)


                • trop ouf la 4eme flute, plus qu'à vérifier la 5eme fusée de tetris ^^


                  • nan mais la 4ème flute koi, j'crois que les gens ne se rendent pas bien compte ah si y'a grigri qui a tilté, faudra qu'on discute avec fatir pour le crew^^
                    et faites pas style vous connaissiez déjà à la arn
                    pareil le nbre de glitchs avec le tanokee en mode statue, abusé...


                    • - le petit séjour passé chez Adol.


                      • - Valve

                        (Update Soldier et Demoman / Team Fortress 2)

                        Citation :

                        Hey man. In a day or so (maybe today?) we are going to release information on an item that will seem very familiar to you.

                        Here's the story.

                        First things first. Please don't spoil the website release. I'd ask you to keep this in confidence until after the reveal. The community really enjoys discovering the new updates as we release them and we don't necessarily want this information public beforehand if we can avoid it.

                        The WAR update has been under development for quite a while. Early on we reviewed community suggestions for Soldier weapons and tried several of them out. The Great Equalizer turned out to be really fun. So much fun, in fact, that we decided to make it the official Soldier unlock -- with a few tweaks. We found that the weapon didn't need a drawback. Having low health was drawback enough. Trying to kill someone when you've only got 5 health isn't easy and it was rewarding to pull it off. We also found that giving the Soldier a movement speed increase that scaled along with the damage increase made the weapon more reliable and exciting. Seeing a Soldier rush at you with the Equalizer is a fearful thing indeed.

                        At the moment the Equalizer is a flat upgrade to the shovel. Down the road we might do some balance adjustment to make the shovel a more competitive choice.

                        Originally we thought that "The Equalizer" would only be a prototype name, but our writers decided they liked the way it clearly described the weapon's functionality.

                        The final weapon description is:

                        The Equalizer
                        Level 10 Pickaxe
                        Damage and move speed increase as the user becomes injured.

                        We chose a Pickaxe appearance since we wanted to do something that looked very distinct. It was important that other players realize the danger they were in when a Soldier equipped with the Equalizer approached.

                        This weapon also has the Soldier's associated kill taunt. When you taunt with the Equalizer he will toss the weapon aside, remove one of his chest grenades, and blow himself and any enemies nearby sky high. (The taunt anim plays at a slow speed like other kill taunts, so it isn't trivial to pull it off. The damage radius is very tight as well.)

                        SO THEN. The reason I'm telling you all of this is that we want to credit you with the design of the item (on the forums) and award you -- some time after the update is released -- with a special unique community version of the Equalizer. This version will have a community rarity and particle effect on it. The name might be weird -- initially it will say "Community The Equalizer" but Robin is implementing a system that lets us custom name individual items. At that point we could change it to be "The Great Equalizer" and there would only be one in existence -> yours. Once that system goes in if we forget to update your item's name just let me know. I read all the incoming email and we'll get it fixed up. I'll try not to forget, though.

                        Thanks for contributing to the community. Designing items is challenging. It's really impossible to know a good idea until you playtest it. We've played hundreds of hours of TF2 with the Equalizer and we think it's a lot of fun. Congratulations!

                        Brandon "GreenMarine" Reinhart
                        Valve Software


                        • Envoyé par Neox Voir le message
                          Tu habites quel coin moussa?

                          PS: Je pense être capable de retrouver l'appart d'Arngrim pour une after
                          Et n'oublie pas la raclette que l'on a prévu à 4h du matin chez moi
                          RIP Player Two... ou pas !


                          • Scene 2 en ligne amis pervers


                            • Pouvoir manger au Tommy's Diner Café qui vient d'ouvrir dans mon coin perdu.



                              • Envoyé par Shû Shirakawa Voir le message
                                - le petit séjour passé chez Adol.
                                Bon si t'avais loupé ton train ca n'aurait pas été pareil ^^
                                -6° quand tu partais...
                                Mais au moins tu auras vu COMMENT on joue à Mushihime Futari (3weeksexperiencecrew) en Arrange! Non mais

                                PS: j'ai toujours d'énormes doutes sur le score de Toshimato..quel coquinou.
                                La personne la plus detestable, la plus ignominieuse des forums francais.

